
Fully Optimized Web Design in Indianapolis

Leverage the power of a local digital marketing agency to level up your website design and experience growth like never before

Revenue, Web Design Indianapolis
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graph of improving traffic and leads graph for clients of Indy Web Designers

A partner, not a vendor

Simplifying digital marketing for small businesses in Indianapolis since 2017

What we do

Simplifying your digital marketing

We help local Indianapolis small business owners stand out by simplifying their digital marketing.

about Indy Web Designers

We help local Indianapolis small businesses simplify their digital marketing

Indy Web Designers is a local leader in small business website design and marketing. We help small businesses in Indianapolis stand out from their competition by creating optimized websites that get found and that are built to convert browsers to buyers.
Our clients see a 3-5x growth in organic website traffic

Creating relationships with local businesses

We are committed to seeing our clients win

We research the newest technologies that drive business growth

Our customers are some of the world’s...

Fastest growing companies

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Why Indy Web Designers

How we drive revenue

Increase website traffic

If you’re ready to increase traffic to your website, it’s time to partner with an agency that knows how to help you accomplish your goals.

Create & manage powerful ad campaigns

When you use ad marketing, you create specific messages to motivate people to take action.

Collect, analyze and deploy marketing data

Get the tools you need to collect and analyze marketing data.

Improve brand messaging and conversion

Keeping your brand marketing consistent enables you to create a lasting impression that sticks in consumers’ minds and keeps them coming back.

Simplifying digital marketing and getting results

Customer satisfaction rate

Our Team

Our focus is your success

At Indy Web Designers, our experienced team is here for you. We win when you win. By learning the latest trends and technology available, our clients get access to better websites, better marketing tools, and better clients.

People sitting around a desk looking at a computer
Web Design Indianapolis


Digital marketing & industry insights